Remnants of Existence


Oh! he is awake just give him sedative.

These were the exact words when I woke up with a blinding light in my eyes and two beings in white shrugs on my bedside.

Where am I? I asked.

What do you think? First one said.

All I can remember was the pain in my head.

Oh! Don’t mind it is just hangover from the sedatives.

Am I in some kind of medical procedure or what? 

Hahaha! Medical procedure. You died 367 years from now.

What the hell? How is it even possible?

I start remembering a flash of car coming towards me and then suddenly there was nothing. 

So now you remember?

But how did they know my thoughts and that I remembered. I asked ‘How do you know that I remembered?’ 

How cute is the mind of an innocent newly dead human. There is no ‘you’ it is just us. We are you.


You don’t understand this world is a single soul and you are just a piece of it. And here you are one with it.

I grew tired of that shitty vague philosophy and I asked where am I tell me the truth.

You are in heaven. 

In heaven but I am the worst person I know.

Well that may be true, but that is why you are here, many never even consider themselves wrong so never repent.

So finally I know only the abrahamic religions were right. Actually I don’t know sometimes where these Asians were going with their million gods and lakhs of rebirths.

Well that is not completely true but let’s talk about it later I have to give you sedative to put you back into a long sleep. 

But why you told me that I was in heaven. So technically I shouldn’t have a body let alone take a sedation. 

Well looks like Asians weren’t that wrong after all. And they laughed murmuring with each other.

Hey! Why are you laughing answer me. 

Well haven’t you thought about it once in your life that someday you will just stop having to think about anything. Well this is the way. Don’t you think having nothing to worry about. No one to care for. Having nothing to loose is anyway not lesser than heaven. You will be in suspended coma until we need you again.

Oh! Hell but what is hell then?

Now that’s a good question. It is just one floor down and there also we give sedatives but just add thought intensifiers with it. So even in your dreams you will suffer every moment. 

Oh! It is that easy huh! No crude punishment that I heard.

Well they are there but in just dreams. 

So why do they even matter if I suffered in a dream.

Well, your life was one and I don’t think that you would have enjoyed your heartbreaks, death of the ones that you loved, losing your friends with distance increasing every day.

You didn’t have to make me realise that you understand that I am in heaven right.

Oh! sorry we will compensate it by adding more years of sedation.

Firstly you told me that this hospital bed is heaven and now you are telling me there are limited years here.

Well definitely after that you would have to take birth again after Brahma plans it.

Now where do Brahma comes from.

Well looks like you never learned about Hindus. He is the force of creation. 

So you’re now saying everyone is right.

Well limitations of human mind. Even if god would have been born human even he wouldn’t be so much god like.

So, has he taken birth ever.

Well technically yes in form of every human being but never as god himself.

So you’re saying that you critique the same beliefs you advocate.

No, I am not critique just saying god can’t be much god like if he is born. And he sets the rules so even he himself isn’t out of that rule. You know that you died but still talking with me so are you there really and same is there with god.

Why don’t you give me straight answer yes or no?

Well look around you if I ask you are you in heaven what would you answer yes or no? Remember things aren’t always that cooler that you can be adamant and put in a yes or no.

Oh again that bluffs you people give everytime that is why people stop believing in this crazy wizardy stuff.

Don’t talk about them here failures as a human being using just an excuse to evade moral values they had to adhere.

Okay but why this queue? 

Well the lack of perfection.

But isn’t the god perfect so if he has made things shouldn’t they be perfect. 

Well you’re are really crazy one aren’t you? If he would create a perfection there would be only him that will be there, he will be recreating himself.

So are we all just tools of enjoyment for him.

Oh you can say so but why don’t just put a good show if he is watching. By the way it is not that simple it is not like you are suffering but you exist in every possible way somewhere-sometime. You are just one form of yourself. And I stated that in starting that there is no you that is there. It is just him. And he suffers if he does something wrong all by himself. 

But isn’t he cruel.

Cruel you don’t understand you fool how innocent he is you are crying for your problems but he is living the whole population imagine his suffering.

Ok, leave it can I meet him.

Yes but not now, you aren’t good enough.

Enough what do you mean by that?

In next life when you get a chance and if born human try to love him with all your heart and when you loose yourself when you will see only him in every being, when you will want to live and die for him only, you will get him.

Who is this now Sikhs?

Well there is the problem you are awake for too long that you are gaining the knowledge of the whole. By the way it would be a loss to loose you in the process.

Loose what do you mean by loose?

Just you won’t need sedatives anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully represented the true conditions of human beings. And yes, human beings survive on sedatives, except few!


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