Ocean Inside Me or I Am The Ocean

 I am calm or want to be,

Calm like an ocean,

If something like that exists,

At least that’s what seems from shore.

Full of waves ups and downs,

But still will be endless.

Many came wanted way for their profits,

And never came back to me,

But that’s not like I care just felt.

Holding thousands of volcanoes inside,

Burning me from inside,

Ring of fire right.

No one cares,

No one unless I show them some fright.

They think they know me,

When they have just touched the surface,

Searched me just alright.

Myself, am so deep,

Will dump mountains and will not be filled a light.

Although I seem calm,

But eat the masses with my huge waves,

When I am shaken.

I am endless,

Don’t know my beginning or end,

But will do everything for my ends.

I am not a sadist,

Don’t want to kill,

But take up rage when I am hurt.

They say I am brackish,

But this world has what made me so.

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